Thursday, October 23, 2014

Raises and Retro - Dates

Now that all of the people who needed to sign the SHARE contract have signed it, HR has given us a tentative schedule for the raises and the retro. Barring unforeseen circumstances,
  • ​​the November 7 paycheck will reflect the new higher rate, with both the July 2013 increase and the July 2014 increase, and
  •  the December 5 paycheck will include all the retro owed for both increases. 
Apparently, HR Operations folks have to calculate all the retro amounts by hand and, with the upgrade of PeopleSoft, we are sure that they have faced a few challenges. We thank them for their efforts to deliver the raises and retro to SHARE members as soon as possible now that the contract has been approved by the President's Office.

If you have questions about the raise, the retro, or the timing, please email

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Raises & Retro - Signatures Done

Good news! Everyone who needs to sign the SHARE contract has signed it.

The next step is for HR Operations to process the raises and then the retro. We expect that by the beginning of next week we will have a schedule for which paycheck will have the raise, and which paycheck will have the retro.

If you have questions about the raise, retro, or timing, please email

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Raises and Retro - More Progress

One more step in the finalization of the contract has been completed. The Medical School's representatives have signed it. The contract is now at the University President's office. We still don't have firm dates for the delivery of the raises or the retro, but we are getting closer.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Nominations Open October 10 - October 27, 2014

All SHARE members should receive a postcard at home announcing that nominations are open for positions as SHARE Representative and SHARE Executive Board Member. What is this all about? We're glad you asked!

The strength of our union lies in the active participation of it's members. There are lots of ways to participate: coming to union meetings, giving your input, reading the blog, keeping in touch with coworkers, signing petitions, asking questions, etc. 

SHARE Area Representatives (or Reps) are members who volunteer to help with communication - making sure that every SHARE member knows someone who is active with the union. Reps are elected for one-year terms, but can serve multiple terms. Ideally there would be at least one Rep in every department or area. As a minimum, we will elect one union Rep for every 50 SHARE members, to keep people connected in their area. Extra volunteers are always welcome.

SHARE Executive Board Members (or EBoard Members) have responsibility for the whole union.  Executive Board Members participate in contract negotiations when they are happening, and make decisions about the direction of our union. Normally four Executive Board Members are elected in even numbered years and the other four are elected in odd numbered years, all for 2-year terms. However, because there has been so much turnover on the Executive Board, we have decided to open all positions for election this year. The four positions normally elected in the odd numbered years will serve as interim EBoard Members for one year, and be up for nomination again in 2015.

To run for Rep or EBoard Member you must be nominated in writing, either by a co-worker or by yourself.  You must also have been a dues-paying SHARE member for at least the last 6 months. The nominations period opens Friday, October 10, 2014.  Nominations must arrive at the SHARE office by 5pm Monday, October 27, 2014.
Nominations should include:
  1. the name, department and phone number of the person you are nominating,
  2. the position for which you are nominating them, and 
  3. your name and phone number.  
You may send an email to or fax nominations to the SHARE office at 508-929-4040, but it is a good idea to call to confirm that your nomination arrived. The phone number at the SHARE office is 508-929-4020.

After the close of the nomination period, all nominees will be given the opportunity to decline the nomination.  If they do not decline, their name goes on the ballot. If there are more candidates than positions, we will hold an election on Tuesday, November 18, 2014; times and locations for voting will be mailed to all SHARE members.

If you want to talk about what it would be like to be a SHARE Rep or to be on the Executive Board, or if you have questions, please call the SHARE office (508-929-4020) or talk to someone you know who is involved with SHARE. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Raises and Retro - Progress Report

We are getting closer to getting the raise and retro delivered. The new contract provisions have been merged into the old contract language, cross-checked, and agreed on. Also, the SHARE negotiating team has signed the new integrated contract.

Now the Medical School's representatives will review it one more time and sign it, and then send it to the University of Massachusetts President's office to be reviewed by them, and signed. In the meanwhile, UMMS HR Operations is already preparing to process the raises and retro as soon as possible after it is signed by the President's office.

Unfortunately, we won't have a firm date for the raises or the retro until the last signature is obtained. We are doing what we can to get this done as quickly as possible, so that SHARE members can have the raises and retro that are coming to them. We will continue to update the "Raises and Retro - Q & A" post as the contract makes it's way through the signature process.