Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Overtime Rules, Vacation Caps and Personal Days for SHARE members

Last week the HR Capsule included a notice that the Overtime Policy had changed, causing some confusion among SHARE members and their managers. Please Note: That policy did change for many employees, but the changes do not apply to SHARE members.

Overtime is one of the issues that we are discussing in contract negotiations, along with all the other policies that UMMS has changed for non-union employees over the course of our 3-year contract. UMMS is proposing all of these policy changes to SHARE. These policies may or may not change as a result of negotiations but, if they do, no changes will take place until:

  1. The SHARE negotiating team reaches a Tentative Agreement with the UMMS negotiating team about all the issues on the table as a package: policies, raises, training and career development, etc.; and  
  2. SHARE members vote to approve the Tentative Agreement.

The three policies that UMMS wants to change that would have the biggest impact on SHARE members are Personal Days, Overtime, and Vacation Caps. These have all changed for non-union employees, and SHARE members have sometimes been mistakenly told that the "new" policies apply to them. So, to be absolutely clear, please see the chart below:

Non-union employees
SHARE members
2 Personal Days/year

Vacation Cap = 240 hours/year

Overtime paid for:
·         hours over 40 in a week
·         only hours worked

3 Personal Days/year

Vacation Cap = 320 hours/year

Overtime paid for:
·         hours over 40 in a week  or hours over daily shift (of at least 8 hrs)
·         hours worked or paid as vacation, holiday or personal time

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January Member Meetings

Join us on your lunch break to discuss SHARE-UMMS contract negotiations:
  • Mon 1/13  12-2 PM   South Street, England Conference Room
  • Fri 1/17     12-2 PM   LRB, Michaelson Room
  • Wed 1/22 12-2 PM   Sherman Building, AS8-2072
  • Thur 1/23  12-1 PM   Animal Medicine, LRB Conference Room
  • Mon 1/27  12-2 PM   South Street, England Conference Room
  • Tues 1/28 12-1 PM   Animal Medicine, A-Level Conference Room

If these meetings are not convenient, give us a call and we'll work with you to schedule a time and place that is more convenient. The number for the SHARE office is 508-929-4020, or you can email